
2nd Annual Baby Loss Retreat:
"Dreams Interrupted for Baby Loss"
Plans are underway to present our Retreat in the Spring of 2024
Date, time and location to be announced soon!
This special day is currently being curated by a small group of baby loss mamas who
all have lived experience. They have all have been touched by the loss of a precious baby
during pregnancy or at any time after the birth. They have dreamt for a long time
of offering a beautiful day of compassion, heart and growth. The day will be filled
with beautiful words, art projects, music, sharing, reflection, connection, time in nature
and scrumptious food. Space is limited and is offered at no cost to the participants.
12th Annual Baby Steps Walk to Remember:
Sunday, September 8th, 2024
Visit www.babystepswalk.com for more information
Annual High Level Bridge Lighting:
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
We will gather together at the Gazebo at
Constable Ezio Farone Park
located at on 110 Street and 97 Avenue
(West of the High Level Bridge)
in Edmonton, Alberta
Feel free to bring along a photo of your baby(ies) and/or
your sign from the Baby Steps Walk to Remember.
Dress for the weather. We will provide hot chocolate and candles.
26th Annual Candle Light Memorial Service:
Sunday, December 8th, 2024
Glenwood Memorial Gardens, 52356 Range Road 232,
Sherwood Park, Alberta. We will gather @ 2:00 pm and all are welcome.
Please register by email: briarpatchexec@gmail.com.
Feel free to bring along a framed photo or memorial item for our Memorial Table.